Do creditors and lenders always seem to find a way into your life, causing you constant stress and an unrelenting feeling of hopelessness? Do you find yourself often questioning how you can possibly escape your debts and start living your life again? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Eastvale, CA, may be the most sensible solution for you. Sometimes referred to as “liquidation” bankruptcy, Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Eastvale is intended to clear specific debts for those individuals who find themselves in the most dire of financial situations.
It is, by design, built for those who find themselves struggling under the crushing pressure of medical bills, personal loans, and credit card debt. For those individuals in Eastvale who could use some help in these situations, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is able to provide the fresh start and second chance that you’re looking for. Though it is commonly believed that those who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will lose everything in their possession, this is simply not the case. People in all sorts of financial situations are able to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and remove thousands of dollars of debt while simultaneously maintaining control over most, if not all, of their possessions.
A certain set of requirements must be met in order to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This list includes information regarding your income and the size and type of the debts that you have accrued, among other data. If you are interested in filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a qualified bankruptcy attorney serving Eastvale can determine your eligibility status and can also help you with any questions you may have prior to your choice to file. The reality of financial freedom and getting your life back is only a phone call away. Call the Law Office of W. Derek May today to get your financial health back on track.